
Wednesday, 17 December 2014



for the first time in my life.. i wrote many entry for one days..huhu.. its okay..its just more about sharing and gain new knowledge..

insyaallah i will be a executive in strategic management and operation. ameen :)

orate, for this entry, i would like to sharing what i have learned before.. its about Strategic 

Planning Process: The External Environmental Analysis.
     The external environment represents factors which are beyond the control of an organization.
           It is divided into two categories:
           1. General environment
           2. Industry environment

       there are external environment :
   The general environment, also known as the macro environment, includes the environmental factors that have an impact on all organizations and firms within the company.
          Easily remembered by the simple acronym PESTEL
P : Political factors
E : Economic factors
S : Sociocultural factors
T : Technological factors
E : Ecological factors
L : Legal factors

Explanation one by one about PESTEL :
  1.Political and Legal Factors
Looks at how the government can influence organizations
employment laws
environmental regulations
competitive regulations
government leadership
tax policies
quotas on goods produced
consumer protection laws 
 2.Economic Factors 
~Unemployment rates
~Inflation rates  
~Consumer and investor confidence 
~currency exchange rates 
3.Socio-cultural Factors 
Concerned with society’s attitudes, cultural values and demographic
Include factors such as: 
Demographic factors (e.g. population size and distribution, age
distribution, education levels) 
Attitudes towards materialism, capitalism, free enterprise
 4.Technological Factors 
Include factors such as: 
Rate of technology transfer 
Energy use and cost 
New products and services of competitors 
Changes in Internet 
Changes in mobile technology 
Technological breakthroughs can create new industries or create new
products and services which might render existing products and service
5. ecological variables

Global Warming 
Sustainable Economic Growth 
Fossil Fuel Consumption 
Pollution of air & water 
Toxins in food and products
6. legal variables 

Minimum wages 
Price control act
mission settle :)
may ALLAH bless us and forgive us always.. 


alhamdulillah thanks to ALLAH for the greatest life and power of syukur to ALLAH.

thanks to our beloved lecturer's to be our great teacher,many of sharing and knowledge that 

we have from our lecturer's .

for the great memories, i would like say that our lecturer are the best and understanding.

I realized that, even my result is not good and excellent, but knowledge and sharing from 

our lecturer are most meaningful. :)

i have one tutorial that i loved to share with my friends, it is about UMW Holding's. it is one 

big company in Malaysia that suppliers automotive assembly and distribution, automotive
components and lubricants OEM and REM, heavy equipment, and oil and gas drilling
service industries. 

Automotive assembly and distribution
[There were three types of automotive operations in Malaysia. 

First, companies that operated exclusively in the luxury cars segment, such as BMW and Mercedes Benz. These companies either manufactured their cars in Malaysia at their local partners’ facilities or directly imported cars from foreign manufacturers using local partners’ approval permits.

Second, companies that operated under automotive manufacturing joint-ventures, such as
UMW and Honda Malaysia. UMW assembled, distributed, and provided after-sales service
for Toyota models in the domestic market; it also directly imported certain Toyota models.

The third type of automotive business was companies which operated as a full-fledged car
manufacturer that performed all functions in the automotive value chain, including research
and development, assembly, distribution and after-sales service. The two local players in this
category were Proton and Perodua.] *copy paste from our study case :)

#nobody knows that UMW is the big and important company in Malaysia it is because from 

their produced and services.


that's all from me..hopefully my entry this time will gain new knowledge for my friends didnt
know about this all about :) enjoy! LILLAHITAALA 

mission settle~


alhamdulillah bless to ALLAH that give to us life and iman until today..:)

we know that our prophet Muhammad s.a.w spread the dakwah based on AL-Quran and words from a Muslim, we must follow the guidance from Rasulullah s.a.w

actually, i want to share with my friend what i have done with my study before with our beloved lecturer Madam Ummi Salwa..


after learning with madam, i have understand that Understand and explain corporate level strategies such as growth, turnaround, integration, diversification, retrenchment, divestiture, acquisition, merger, joint venture and global strategies..
there are the different level of strategies :
The three levels of strategies consider that the decision-making process is done at three different levels or under three different circumstances within the organization.
The three broad levels of decision making are:
Corporate level strategies
Business level strategies
Functional level strategies
Attempts to identify strategies that corporations or organizations decide to pursue for the benefit of the whole organization 
Usually made at the top management level 
Concern is for the welfare of the whole corporation in terms of its future and to bring it to a higher position overall in terms of the group’s share value, profit or any performance measures 

The various corporate level strategies will be discussed under the following headings

          They are generic in nature in the sense that all organizations will most likely choose any of the following four strategies in the beginning:
Growth strategy
Stable growth strategy
Turnaround strategy
Combination strategy

       for those will build the business, strategies is the most important factor,once the business want to be a success business or company.
last but not least, what I get from what I learn from this chapter that I must scratch the graft for my life to be a successful businesswoman..insyaallah  for the next Post i will story what business that i  doing right now..insyaallah.. :)
~mission settle~ 

Wednesday, 19 November 2014


alhamdulillah and feel great to ALLAH for give me change to wake up for today, thanks ALLAH for give me time to taubah (back) to ALLAH for repentance..

syukur to ALLAH for give me lecturer and friends reminder me about 'hidayah'

okay, today is thursday,20 november 2014, i want to share some knowledge that i haved learn last week.
actually,last week is our big event for student last year (ICEPS10) it stand for Islamic Convention Entrepreneurships,under Faculty Economics and Muamalat. That's part of our job before get into graduation. Another faculty they must to write their thesis. This event more earn us about, how to handle and make event. May Allah bless our work.. :)

ok back to what i haved learn last week in subject Strategic management and operation in chapter 5 (the corporate level)

what i got from this :
1) understand that different levels of organization strategies,namely,corporate,business and functional.
2) explaination corporate level strategies such as grow, turnaround,integration,diversification,retrenchment,divestiture,acquisitions,merger,joint venture and global strategies
3) besides that, this topic related with chapter that i haved learn before, about cost leadership,differentiation and focus strategy. Its related with Porter 5 Forces.

cost leadership
refers to the firms ability to produce goods and services at a lower cost than its rivals, example; some companies which have followed this strategy succesfully include Dell (computers), Airasia( air travel) and Mydin(grocery stores).

differentiation strategy
a unique or special product or services that distinguishes the firm's products or services from its competitors. such as; Harley-Davidson in motorbikes, Apple in computer technology, Louis Vuitton in luxury leather goods

focus strategy
to the level strategy business level strategy based on providing products or services to a specific niche within an industry. its more focus, likes luxurious buyers.

 figure is about typical value chain

overall, im very enjoyed with i haved learn last week.
hopefully ALLAH will guide me to the right way and this knowledge will stay with me forever and this knowledge will share with others..insyaallah.

May ALLAH bless us..amin :) 

Friday, 26 September 2014



Thanks a lot to ALLAH to giving a meaningful life today. 


alhamdulillah, on last Friday 26 September 2014, i have learnt the new knowledge in my life also all

 my friend. Our beloved lecturer Dr. Ummi Salwa  has been teach us one of chapter in subject 

strategic management and operation. actually, before i started explain more about what i understand 

in this chapter, i just want to share what I'm feel before i got in this final year .. 

the truth is i didn't like to take this course. before attend in this USIM, i got to continue my study at 

RIAU,INDONESIA in shariah and more learn about our Islam, but  my mother and my family didn't 

allowed to me to further study at there. so, after discussion with my mother very well, finally, my 

decision is not to further my study at there. Maybe its about Hikmah that Allah ready prepare for me.

i just got, my upu at BSN and started to fulfill the form and mostly are in courses in FACULTY 

LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT in courses counseling.

and finally, i got this courses.. administration and corporate relation .. i really shocked and i didn't 

like and interested for this courses. I always to tell my mother that i didn't like, but my mother always

 to give a support and motivation positively .

ALHAMDULILLAH, when, I'm in third year, i'm started to loved and more loved for this courses..

fuhh.. its very long story  :)

ok, what i got from last lecturer is about how do organization based on PORTER'S 5 FORCES.

what i'm understand is this porter's are about New entrants, customers, suppliers, rivalry 

and substitutes.

before we started to business, we must set up our business and draft our business with this porter's.

make sure, before started the business we must start with Lillahitaa'la and follow the sunnah :)

ok we started with new entrants. new entrants is more about cost the business and 

processes to beginning the business. for buyers, is more focus on target customer.

next process is suppliers. who's our suppliers and what we want from suppliers. such as, if 

we want to opened the publishers company, we must buy the ink,paper and others.

i think Malaysia nowadays, are so competitive and hard for started company that we must 

competitor   with others. but, its not impossible if we loved and interested to start the business.

that's all for today, i don't want make my post very long..long..long .. story and explanation. 

thanks for reading my post and i'm sorry for my broken English :

Saturday, 2 November 2013

mid sem break


alhamdulillah mulai 1/11/2013 usim start to cuti mid sem .

after settle basuh baju bersihkan bilik . apa lagi ready to balik la kan.. tapi untuk awal2 ni musyaz nak balik

melaka. umah mak long kat alor gajah. saja2 je nak isi cuti ni ngan umah makcik2 ksygn musyaz ni,,

after, makan kfc ngan shopping baju kat giant ngan cik dila dung2..

musyaz mula lah me'rempit' ngan NCM 2860 tu ..

mula2 nilai hujan . my loved tak bagi la bawak motor.. tapi takpe redah je..

seremban tak hujan, senawang tak hujan, pedas tak hujan. sampai2 je simpang empat..hujan selebat2 lagu sandiwara cinta.. :)

sampai je umah maklong je mengigil sejuk .. ya allah tahan je lah :)

sebenarnya tujuan musyaz nak balik melaka ni sebab nk buat prank besday tuk pak cik musyaz (ciklan)

beli kek secret recipe , kfc .  ala macam biasa orang lain buat .. tak de idea nak beli ape kan.. :)

nak prank tepung takut kotor umah maklong lak..

huhu.. tapi tak jadi laa.. kesian maklong ..

syukur walaupun musyaz still student. alhamdulillah rezeki ni ALLAH bagi bila2. ada je untuk family tersayang..

insyaallah for the next untuk birthday ibu n abah  ayong buatkan ..::

..::simple is life:::...

Saturday, 26 October 2013

mara lasak ..

assalamualaikum semua ..!!

alhamdulillah hari ni musyaz nak kongsi sikit tentang aktiviti2 yang musyaz ngan kawan2 suksis yang lain..

tepat 7.45 pagi kami berkumpul di dataran pkp untuk menjalankan aktiviti suksis..

tertanya-tanya juga,, apalah jurulatih (JL) nak bagi ni kan.. yelah sebab nama aktiviti hari ni mara lasak..

masuk 3 tahun kat suksis ni tak pernah2 pun buat mara lasak. setahu kat kem PGA je (pasukan gerakan am) *special police untuk bertugas kat hutan*

ok2..kami ikut je lah kan.. then, JL kami pun bahagikan kumpulan .. campurlah dengan skuad junior jugak..huhu..senior skuad 6 ni kena buli je lahhh.. sebab total tak ramai kan..~~

musyaz ngan adilah masuk kumpulan 1 ..huhu makna nya kami lah yang bergerak dulu kan..?

tapi sebelum tu JL nak bagi kami 3 beban..*yang berisikan pasir yang beratnya hampir 7kg.* fuh!! berat kot dan berlari dalam 7km jauhnya..

huhu risau la kan, sebab dah lama sangat tak buat aktiviti lasak macam ni..conform 10kg hilang..syukur lah kan..:) *ye2 jee~~

kami terus diberi arahan untuk ikut sarjan asmawi,

maka bermula lah misi yang seram ni..pergh..!! alhamdulillah memang berat sangat2 beg tu.. mana tak nya kan..

berjalan dan berlari je lah yang mampu..

pkp-dkp-fkp-fem-FST??? -naik bukit yang ada tangki uh..-kk1-ppki-jaga (minum air) hihi - back to pkp balik

fuh!! serius bahu sakit,badan sakit2,kaki jangan cakap la..~~

yang penting memang mantap sangat2..::

syukur sebenarnya dapat berkenalan dengan adik2 skuad lain..tu je..~~

memang bertambah mesra dan erat hubungan junior-senior ni.. semoga kita terus ukhwah ye adik2?!


balik dari latihan, makan, solat dan bummm!! (tidur sampai puas)

habis dah!!!! perkongsian hari ini..

yang pasti lepas ni.. kena rajin buat latihan..(pengajaran)

*suksis stand for sukarelawan siswasiswi polis*