
Wednesday, 19 November 2014


alhamdulillah and feel great to ALLAH for give me change to wake up for today, thanks ALLAH for give me time to taubah (back) to ALLAH for repentance..

syukur to ALLAH for give me lecturer and friends reminder me about 'hidayah'

okay, today is thursday,20 november 2014, i want to share some knowledge that i haved learn last week.
actually,last week is our big event for student last year (ICEPS10) it stand for Islamic Convention Entrepreneurships,under Faculty Economics and Muamalat. That's part of our job before get into graduation. Another faculty they must to write their thesis. This event more earn us about, how to handle and make event. May Allah bless our work.. :)

ok back to what i haved learn last week in subject Strategic management and operation in chapter 5 (the corporate level)

what i got from this :
1) understand that different levels of organization strategies,namely,corporate,business and functional.
2) explaination corporate level strategies such as grow, turnaround,integration,diversification,retrenchment,divestiture,acquisitions,merger,joint venture and global strategies
3) besides that, this topic related with chapter that i haved learn before, about cost leadership,differentiation and focus strategy. Its related with Porter 5 Forces.

cost leadership
refers to the firms ability to produce goods and services at a lower cost than its rivals, example; some companies which have followed this strategy succesfully include Dell (computers), Airasia( air travel) and Mydin(grocery stores).

differentiation strategy
a unique or special product or services that distinguishes the firm's products or services from its competitors. such as; Harley-Davidson in motorbikes, Apple in computer technology, Louis Vuitton in luxury leather goods

focus strategy
to the level strategy business level strategy based on providing products or services to a specific niche within an industry. its more focus, likes luxurious buyers.

 figure is about typical value chain

overall, im very enjoyed with i haved learn last week.
hopefully ALLAH will guide me to the right way and this knowledge will stay with me forever and this knowledge will share with others..insyaallah.

May ALLAH bless us..amin :)